
Lifestyle Without Limits

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ystrday went out towning with beloved girlfie, ezum..hee.
planned to meet @ 2pm..latest @ 2.15pm..
but end up, met her @ 3pm.. @ orchard boulevard..haha.
then went to foodrepublic..
had lunch & complete some of our project there..

around 4+, went off & hang around @ orchard..
randomly, we had photoshoots..haha
will upload th picture once its ready..
after photoshoots,
went around hanging frm orchard to somerset..
back again to th same place fr like twice..
went to ngee ann..then wisma..then ion orchard..
then, went to far east..
after tht, to goodwood park..haha

tht place was like omg, i like it! haah
after we went like touring th place, then off take train..
ezum went home or meet th friend i guess..
im not sure..
but i go dhoby meet khai & his friend..
slacked @ ps till like 9+,
im off home.

will upload all th pictures somedays once its ready.
so check it out yeah! =D

& today, thanks to my dear zen fr giving me wake up call..
haha, if not, fr sure, i'll be late to sch..
& get objurgate frm mum again..
ahha, thanks sooo sooo much love! =D

i love zen i love zen i love zen i love zen i love zen
i love zen i love zen i love zen i love zen i love zen
i love zen i love zen i love zen i love zen i love zen
i love zen i love zen i love zen i love zen i love zen
i love zen i love zen i love zen i love zen i love zen
i love zen i love zen i love zen i love zen i love zen
i love zen i love zen i love zen i love zen i love zen
i love zen i love zen i love zen i love zen i love zen

789 ♥


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