hey! its night right now and im sure majority of you all are not sleeping, some are waiting for my coming post, ^___^
today, was just a nice day for me. i went out to ang mo kio with zen & my brother. then we had lunch at mcd and off to browse for my new handphone. good thing, i gotta buy it at my own taste! wooohooo! great you know the feeling of what you wish for and it went fulfilled! around 5pm, we went off home. i can't be out for long since im out with my little brother..
W705 is a damn awesome phone! i wished for pink but i got red black. i find it so goth. hahaha! whateva. and more over, im addicted to the colour, idk why. haha.
hey, now i've got nothing to post about, BUT, i have something below.. lets talk about love! im sure many loves this too especially for those who are inlove.. i know the feelings are A-W-E-S-O-M-E. yeah!
someday, imma make random qns and tag anyone in my link, and those who got tag, they are required to ans those numbers of qns. ;D tmrw schooling and omg, my teacher requested for more on my project. grr! you know how mad i am when he said he wanted MORE! wtf! MORE! not enough you know, instead he wanted more. hmpf!
lets not get bored by my severals of paragraph and start reading the captions below the pictures ;D

true isnt it?

i like man this part! hahaha.
yeah, like who doesnt. everyone loves this feeling!
yes, sometimes, what is said can be our sweetest dreams at night..
wooohoo! it feels great when this happen, not only with friends, but with own love partner also!
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