yeah! my tuesday was awesome! it was a very great outing with my great friends.
enjoy the pictures! =D

myself and zen~

that's us! ^_^ i love this friendship. going to 3yrs+

rara, new recruit ;D

zen took this.
first i went to raffles by cab with daffi, sulaiman and farridon.. met nazli at raffles place. we then took train off to ION orchard.. they accompanied me to Singpost, after that we all went to have our dinner at BK ION.. thought of meeting zen but im not sure what time he end his work.. that time was around 6pm.. we're talking about tagging fahmi along but coincidence, raraa called me and asked our whereabout. awesome! they're just nearby.. we made our way to esplanade by train.. around 730pm, we met zen at esplanade. cool! everyone was there ^_^ finally.
had our times together at esplanade foyer.. taking lotsa pictures & video too! hahaha! very funny and enjoying. i hope to have that outing again. awesome! superb! because it has been a long time since we went out together.
tmrw i still have another outing my another mates. yeah i'll sure update my blog at the end of the day alright. come back again. takecare ^_^ \\//

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