yesterday was a very good day for me =D it was supposed to be an outing planned by fahmi but end up, slacking. hahaha.

zen & fahmi..

farridon, sulaiman, zen, nazli & fahmi.. i took this ^_^

this is them =D

at mcd~

thats fahmi, rara's little brother, rara & me \\//
Click here for more pictures
let me share about yesterday yeah..
zen first fetched me and we went to meet farridon and sulaiman nearby my house park.. we took bus to whitesand, had our dinner together. by the time its already close to evening around 6pm.. nazli has already waited for us at downtown. haha! poor thing. i thought he would actually meet us at whitesand since he took train but not.. he went off to downtown first and assume we're there.. well not long, fahmi came together with rara and her little brother..
we all had a breeze walk together to the pasir ris park.. like wise, we're slacking near the bbq pit, took pictures, laugh, jokes, etc~ until 9pm. sulaiman went off around 8pm+.. we all had dinner for awhile at mcd downtown until 10pm.
end of the day. hahah! time clocked so fast. until i had nothing to share about. XD
but enjoy the pictures though~
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