ystrday was 21st.
hope u enjoyed the friday (: hee
& thanks fr th treat, like always. hahas.
friday was sucha busy day..had something on in sch..frm 2-5..the lecture was like =_=
made me wanna doze off..all slide presentation..sigh..
whats more, its rainny day..the rain was so heavy that i got myself wet..haha
fetch ezum frm paya lebar mrt..both of us were late.
after i end th ibm training, off to simei ite..
halijah fetch me then bring me to th student hub..
the hub like awesome man..really..it was way more better compared frm my sch..
reached there, saw zen was like got sabotage by his friends..wahahahha & his all "wet" haha
got nothing to do so halijah went to open this malay movie Jangan Pandang Belakang Congkak..
i couldnt get to understand th plot of the story cos it was noisy tht time..so was just like watching video with no sound..hhaa
after the movie, slacked fr awhile & off to tamp..
thanks fr the donut guys! =D it was magnifique! & im soo loving it!
anyway, had dinner together with zen @ food culture..after dinner, off to mac..
met my brother..and finally i had my assignment done. woohooo! thanks zen fr bringing th lappy with you..really appreciate it alot alot alot very much. hee.
anway, this picture below was taken on thursday..
had test on tht day..but i was waiting fr ezum to complete her test..while waiting..had fun there..haha

credits to siti, th girl infront of me in above picture (:

okay, this was on wednesday..had nothing to do in class..was really boring so we took this! haha
random. -ezum sold! haha, i bought her in pet. LMFAO
thats all.
today im fasting people. hee
& Happy Fasting Month to all my friends or anyone who know me (:
now i had nothing to do..so i went to re-read my inbox..
this poetry was written by zen.. & i just find it sweet (:
Cant fall asleep tonight,
I dont know what to do,
I hold my pillow tight,
But i want to be holding you,
When i close my eyes,
I will see your face,
You're a part of me,
No one can ever replace.
Dont ever think you'll lose me someday.
I'm here to make this relationship work,
And hope that you do too,
And no matter what,
We have each other.
So leave your worries and go on each day,
knowing i'm always there for you.
As i lay awake,
Wondering what you might be doing.
I smiled at myself knowing that each day i wake up,
To something that is real.
You are my reality darling.
And that is good enough for me.
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