Yeah, this is myself. =D many said that i've slimmed down. i guess maybe because of my hair that has grew longer already.. haha!
Woohooo, it seems like few days have passed and i didnt update my blog.. yeah i know.. been busy.. many stuffs going on.. and i didnt have time to update about my tuesday.. let's start now..
i stopped my update on sunday.. well monday nothing new. just got smtg to say to my dear friend ezum, stay strong ok. and the next day was tuesday, omg! tuesday. its really a bad day for me.. wanna know why? ok.
first, i went to take cab to send my younger brother to school in the afternoon, and took the same cab to home team academy to fetch zen, was afraid that i might be late since his batt died last night while i was otp with him.. ok.. reached there, finally he texted me, and i thought he was gonna book out, end up, he went to inform me that hes able to turn on his hp and asked where am i.. so i went to tell him that ive reached already. and he replied why did i arrived that early cos the book out time still have long hours to go.. and i kept replying him what time he booking out and he told me, "they said either 530 or 7.." that part i was like, wtf? then what am i here for? and started to swear over there all alone.. forget it, so decided to take bus.. the bus came, went to check my purse to search for my card, and u know what? ezlink lalalalalalla not with me.. -like damn right? and there i go missing another bus.. another swearing.. no choice, had to book for a cab, Again, and went off home.. from home, took bus.. thought of dropping to Bugis to collect my photoshoot pictures but forget it.. it was raining heavily.. so didnt drop and took the bus all the way to Jurong East Int. power! reached the int, met my customer to pass lens, by the time its already 430.. went to eat for awhile and im done at 515.. ok next, i had made appointment to meet bestie, nazli.. planned to meet him at bukit batok.. i went searching for bus thought there's direct bus to bukit batok, but no. that's sad. so took 66 and stop at the first bukit batok road, the bus stop i stopped was just opposite princess elizabeth pri.. thought from there got direct bus, and again, No. =_____________= wonder why west side buses arent convenient like east side ^__^ lucky there was a group of institute student.. and so i went to ask them how to get to bukit batok, they redirected me.. ok, they went to mention what bus i can take and they mentioned one of the bus the i just left. like wth? i shouldnt have dropped then. nvm.. so took other bus and dropped 3 stops, after that, sigh~ searching for bus again.. and wonder how come no direct bus.. when i turned, i then realised there's MRT track.. hahaha! by instinct, took the overhead bridge and walk my way to find this bukit batok int and finally! =D freaking happy! so lost and finally i managed to find my way eh.. hahaha! so texted nazli and he went laughing at me.. so bad! D= by the time i reached bukit batok, its 6pm.. went to walk around the west mall and finally then i got msg by zen that he booked out already..
ok, thanks to nazli for accompanying me yeah ^__^ so i booked cab again and make my way to HTA.. didnt expect that Limocab would come.. surprising. and when the cab was slowing down near the bus stop, omg, i was so panicked, tried to open the window but couldnt, in the end had to open the door and everyone went "ooooowwwwww~~" i looked so stunning cos my eyes was searching for zen.. they all looked the same.. all same hairstyle what. hahaha. so kinda hard to find but lucky zen moved to the side.. otherwise i would look one by one. haha! so he went into the cab, we made our home.. he dropped by my house and went off after midnight. cool!
yes! what's more, im meeting him tomorrow ^__^ can't wait.. tmrw i'll be meeting my customers to pass their lenses then off to bugis to collect my pictures and will be taking cab from Bugis to HTA.. so fast friday already.. hari raya haji also over.. next 2 months also gonna be new year.. that's fast..
alright, im done and yes i know i've got that sooooo long update. takecare guys! =D
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