hello guys! sorry for not updating my blog lately. i've been busy with school as you all know ITE just reopened after 3 weeks of holiday.. and the entire 3wks holiday was total crap. but unfortunately after school reopened, i met someone new again. yeah. and this person i knew was totally at random time though and end up we build awesome chemistry. i guess? HAHAHA!
meeting him has benefits me somewhere~ and he gaves me alot of inspiration to study hard for upcoming exam next year. yeah, im so gonna try my best though. surprisingly im not late for my first week of school. amazing. im gonna continue on the following weeks too..
his name is andy. well of course it sounds far the moment we shared where we stayed but after the first twice meet-up, i then began to discover that the trip from my house to his place was just distance away, 30mins away? Awesome isnt it?! which i thought it may take like hours to reach his place but Not. (Y)
we met by facebook actually. we're friends since like aug this year just that we didnt chat after i accepted his friend request.. so its like one fine day while i was in class, i rarely scroll my facebook news feed but this time i did, and so i saw his status that says he got one fifty and wondering whose gonna date him. well on that particular date we met together. i told him doesn't mean you have one fifty you can't date, and that moment worked so well. i met him at ION as well as his friends.. first impression, his weird and i like it! HAHAHHA! seriously. and as we met each other often, i find many common things in us. awesome! we both love taking many tons of pictures too! just like the one below..

this was yesterday~

his hair! soon gonna be my hair. HAHA!

i love this picture alot!

and this too!

this one was at ION..

and this..
meeting him has benefits me somewhere~ and he gaves me alot of inspiration to study hard for upcoming exam next year. yeah, im so gonna try my best though. surprisingly im not late for my first week of school. amazing. im gonna continue on the following weeks too..
this is not interesting. half of my post is about him. HAHA! lets read about my part..
for my part, nothing much other than busy 24/7 and no time to update my blog.. besides, im now practising my guitar for my another cover, can't wait for it! wooohooo~ and hoping i'll be meeting andy probably next week i guess? school are becoming hectic for me because the new timetable sucks. HAHA! really. my new timetable almost everyday starts at either 8 or 9. but thank god friday we don't have to report for school. thats good enough. and thats all for today updates.
oh yes, im back updating my twitter already. so for those who have twitter, feel free to follow(Y)
takecare guys!
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