well heres th update..
2ndJune was fun.
iie went out w my family.
ferst, go to ICA Building..
make my brother's IC..
thn go hev lunch near th arab's street thre..
so aftr tht, went to bugis.
to buy fr him wallet.
my parents bought fr him new line & hp.
well, tht was great..
thn go bugis to buy new handset fr me.
yey!! iie gort my dream phone..
sony ericsson W910i.
isnt tht great.?!
i was so extremely happy.
aft tht, went agn to bugis..
walk2..thn its cuming nyte ardd..
so tired2..
take train frm bugis..
omg.! th train was like damn full.
sooooo squeezy frm th ferst fw stops.!
thn stop at eunos thre..
go 711 buy drinks..
thn take bus go home!
~ yey yey!! new hp! ;D
2ndJune was fun.
iie went out w my family.
ferst, go to ICA Building..
make my brother's IC..
thn go hev lunch near th arab's street thre..
so aftr tht, went to bugis.
to buy fr him wallet.
my parents bought fr him new line & hp.
well, tht was great..
thn go bugis to buy new handset fr me.
yey!! iie gort my dream phone..
sony ericsson W910i.
isnt tht great.?!
i was so extremely happy.
aft tht, went agn to bugis..
walk2..thn its cuming nyte ardd..
so tired2..
take train frm bugis..
omg.! th train was like damn full.
sooooo squeezy frm th ferst fw stops.!
thn stop at eunos thre..
go 711 buy drinks..
thn take bus go home!
~ yey yey!! new hp! ;D
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