yeahs. its us! =D been so long since we last met and take picture together ever since the gathering at Marina which happened few years back.. well, was surprised when eisha called my name. so coincidentally i tagged her to join my table @ Kfc Nex..
anyway, i'll be meeting my zen tmrw. wooohooo. freaking happy and looking forward to it cos its also going to be my 1yr 5mths with him ^__^ 7th Jan = 1yr 5mths. yes! make it longer & never ending. challenge my ex, beat his r/s with me, 3yrs++. yes, beat him!! you sure can do it. 789789789
im going to go school on the april.. by the time zen also pass out from camp already. wooohoooo, hoping that hes able to fetch me after school. =D my graduation will be after this month, which means on the feb.. unsure which date. gotta check with my classmates about it. ezum, when want to meet??! hahahaha. thought like every week we meet each other, unplanned. ;DDD this month must meet you. miss your crap. and idk if im going to meet new friends in april that got the same characteristics as you.. can go along with my crap! heheh.
its very late now. zen going to be screaming at me for sleeping late daily. hahah! sorry zen. and i might be meeting fahmi & nazli tmrw, i mean thursday.. or later?? which ever way. yeah. gonna tag my brother along to drop fahmi house together with nazli. see how alright. if i not lazy, i drop your house we catch that haunted changi together ^__^ i makesure i'll scare the shit out of you! hahahaahah. alright, i wanna turn in now. bye~ \\//out.
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