IN S O M N I - A
yeah absolutely that. im having insomnia fever right now. i cant seem to sleep. because i have enough sleep like 7 hours back? since 7pm+. and i woke up at 2am i guess. until now. wth. alright, i have so much things to share about. hehe.
lets start. and have fun reading. \\//
tht tuesday, i didnt attend school. as well as work. wasnt feeling well. but then, i went to accompany zen to send his lappy fr servicing. omg, im gonna miss him otc so much.
wednesday, same. didnt attend school and work. again??! si, again. like wth. all because of this period. darn it. really. it always nver fails to kill me. th cramp its like, feeling of punching ppl face. and, crying. hahaha. i know tht has no link to it but its worst than what im explaining now. went to have lunch at kfc. worst come to worst, i cant eat because of stomach cramp. stuck in cubical fr 15mins. wth. doing nothing but just moaning like whuuuuhht~ told manager about it and i had day off again. shucks. again, absent frm work. thanks to bf fr accompanying me to see doctor. surprised to know i have eczema on my side eyes. if yall can observe, i actually have this red mark beside my right eye. thts eczema. skin condition prob due to sensitive skin. just scroll down to my previous post, see any picture of me, ltr on my right eye got red spot. alright, we waited fr like an hr to see doc -.- went in th clinic at 315 and out at 5.15 i guess. that long. yeah i know. took bus and otw home, in th bus, zen told me he saw my mom around th ntuc. i thought he was faking. because i went to glance and thinking, cant be mom.. she wont be going out at around 530.. end up, it was her. haha. bf asked me to call her and i did. met daffi and farridon at mcd bfore tht and then went off to meet mom. just me and zen. woahhhh, zen help my mom to carry those heavy things she bought at ntuc. haha. and, im surprised to know, your her fav. ahha! XD went home together with zen. he slacked awhile at my house. and going almost 6, went to fetch taqin with zen. and back again, home with zen. ahhaha. after he left, went to help mom. and wtfreak, today so many bad luck. first, unable to eat, second, got bad stomach cramp, third, got my left index finger cut. yes. mom told me to cut orange, and i accidentally went to cut my medial phalange. shucks. right after tht, i went to plaster my finger, ate medicine and off to sleep.
until now, i just woke up, chatting with many ppl. finally i login msn. hahas. chatted with mus, and he told me, if i cant sleep, do half back flip as fast as possible. i was like wth. hahaha. half back flip out of all. haha. as topic gets dry, he went to draw trees, roses and me. coolio man! im not good at drawing but im amaze seeing how ppl can draw so good. im just good at designing not drawing. at one moment, he told me to call bf. i said, cant. because he shud be sleeping deadly by now. but another part of me was like asking me to just give it a try. and so i did. yay! he answered my call. haha. thanks to mus fr th idea. but, sorry fr disturbing u zen. hehs. just wanna let u know i cant sleep. \\//
alright, i've nothing to write about. oh yea, i suddenly have mood to change my media player first track to insomnia. hahaha. since i cant sleep right now. takecare everyone. buenoing bye!
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