
Lifestyle Without Limits

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how can each day gets any better?

i didnt sleep for th entire day, last night. went to meet zen in th morning. and in th afternoon, went to meet myra @ her house. thanks for helping me charge my hp. batt was dead at tht time. then, went to meet nazli @ cityhall in th evening arnd 6pm. im really sorry nazli for keeping you waiting for me tht long.

reached cityhall at 6pm, met nazli. then off to mcd @ marina. he had dinner with me, but i just grab just some bite. haha. going 730, went off to esplanade outdoor theater. it was raining. & luckily i brought umbrella with me. sat there and took few pictures with him. how funny. hes not fix with his motion.. and end up, th picture tht has him inside turns out to be blurred. bet myra favourite this kind of picture. blurry motion. haha. going almost 8, walked up together to bugis. on th way, stopped at raffles city fr awhile. hehs. then continue walking to bugis. was passing by Topman shop. dropped by till i didnt notice it was 8pm+. gosshhy. zen texted & he came to meet us outside Topman. sat for a few mins, then walk around in bugis junction. window shopping, arnd 9pm, make my way home.

nazli, cya on 24th again! nice going out with you. i had fun though. thanks for cheering me like annoying. cos ure my annoying devil! haha. and thanks zen for sending me home, without fail.

he spoilt th photo!

like this though.. haha. nxt time shud wear costume.

annoying she-devil ; annoying devil. papa devil? haha, not around.


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