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today was total fun day!

aft school went home, changed. off to zen's hse around 3 and then went to kfc hgm fr lunch together. aft lunch, took train to habourfront then took bus off to Sentosa. wooh! sooo fun. theres like many things have changed. slacked there till night. up till almost 9pm. went to Siloso beach. nice sea. hehe. and th moments i had, was simply undefined. i just love it. hope to have th same thing again & again. ahah. watching th sunset was really a beautiful moment for me :D

thanks for all th treats zen! hehe. appreciate all time long~ like always yeah!

and, not forgetting, playing on th beach with you was another fun thing. oh, i danced; i sang; i did somersault! woooh! and, playing with th water was fun too. it'll be more damn great if only my digi cam could have work soo fine. damn it. if not, i would have pictures by then. but anyway, really a damn great big moment i had. thanks sooo much for all, everything! :D



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