[RE-POSTED @ 1.32AM]
see th picture below? yes, its th OCH. just got it frm bf. picture taken by him on th day tht we went, which was ystrday.
rmbr i said about fahmi, in my previous post? he did told me tht he saw like someone, black figure, walking to & fro. behind th door in th vid? well, i guess its inside th och. but then, lemme elaborate smtg about this picture.
after i got it, so i went to edit. white editing, suddenly i then noticed smtg in th picture. first, it was th one on th very left. then, i started to tell zen about it. he also didnt notice. i noticed it because exactly at this picture, th moment was pass by, i did saw black figure & white, yes, both. thts why i did noticed about th figure on th very most left side. next, i started to notice th very top right side. its also a black figure if u can see. after i told zen about th 2nd figure i saw. he then told me, to see just straight at th photo. he said, theres another, th white figure. so i went to see. and yes, it is. omgeeezy. zen then told me this, no wonder it is said tht if u take picture at och, there'll sure be smtg in tht photo. and looks like its fr real.
i went to mark it by circling it so tht its easy fr yall to see and fr me to see it also.
oh yes, it took me like half an hr just to get it since when bf took this photo. aft 30mins explanations, i then got it. to just to make it short, this picture, kinda weird. wanna know why, because right, when th time he took it, th gate was opened as shown below. but then, when th time we wanna go off, th gate was closed. so we had to go off by th other way.
confused? heres th explanation, i'll make it simple. imagine if u are th one taking th picture, and then, when ure done exploring th place, u eventually came out frm another side, and when u tryna to find a shortcut way out, u look back at th place where u first took th picture, th gate was closed. so yeah, just imagine.
so tht time when i was there with bf, & my bro, while all of them went off first, we was about to make our way out, i thought tht th gate was still open, so we can go down by th stairs we first went up. suddenly, what i rmbred i did say, "th gate is closed". and yeah, eventually we went off by th other way. so now, when i was chatting with zen, i then rmbred, who went to close th gate. sounds mysterious & creepy isnt it? cos zen said, there was no one at th guard hse in th first place. futhermore, th entire thing there was abandoned. whats more, th gate was FULLY LOCKED when we was about to go off. and tht time, when we're about to leave, th time was around almost close to maghrib.
i think i left out smtg, this part. when we walking at th corridor. 3rd/4th storey, passing by th wards. i did looked back and saw smtg. tht part i was alone, at th back, with syira. now i just rmbred, zen & my mom did told me, if u feel smtg like anything sense of presence behind u, dont ever look/turn back. and eventually, i did it ystrday. i did turned & looked back. cos i felt smtg was behind me, even though i can sense its far. and yes, i did saw black figure and white light, figure. behind th doors, pillar & in th ward rooms when i was walking along side th corridor..
to believe it or not, its up to individual perception. cos this is what i saw, i experienced. and i just wish to share it with whoeva who loves reading my blog (:
enlarge th picture fr larger view.

seems like my blog its like gonna be haunted or to be exact, like a documentary blog. hahaha. cos these days ive been sharing about och and those haunted places. haha. thts what ive been doing during holidays. exploring some of th top 10 haunted places in spore.
enjoy reading. and stay up fr nxt update about this och. still not complete yet. hee. cos i'll be exploring more places like this with bf, fahmi, my bro.. nazli and maybe, syira (:
see th picture below? yes, its th OCH. just got it frm bf. picture taken by him on th day tht we went, which was ystrday.
rmbr i said about fahmi, in my previous post? he did told me tht he saw like someone, black figure, walking to & fro. behind th door in th vid? well, i guess its inside th och. but then, lemme elaborate smtg about this picture.
after i got it, so i went to edit. white editing, suddenly i then noticed smtg in th picture. first, it was th one on th very left. then, i started to tell zen about it. he also didnt notice. i noticed it because exactly at this picture, th moment was pass by, i did saw black figure & white, yes, both. thts why i did noticed about th figure on th very most left side. next, i started to notice th very top right side. its also a black figure if u can see. after i told zen about th 2nd figure i saw. he then told me, to see just straight at th photo. he said, theres another, th white figure. so i went to see. and yes, it is. omgeeezy. zen then told me this, no wonder it is said tht if u take picture at och, there'll sure be smtg in tht photo. and looks like its fr real.
i went to mark it by circling it so tht its easy fr yall to see and fr me to see it also.
oh yes, it took me like half an hr just to get it since when bf took this photo. aft 30mins explanations, i then got it. to just to make it short, this picture, kinda weird. wanna know why, because right, when th time he took it, th gate was opened as shown below. but then, when th time we wanna go off, th gate was closed. so we had to go off by th other way.
confused? heres th explanation, i'll make it simple. imagine if u are th one taking th picture, and then, when ure done exploring th place, u eventually came out frm another side, and when u tryna to find a shortcut way out, u look back at th place where u first took th picture, th gate was closed. so yeah, just imagine.
so tht time when i was there with bf, & my bro, while all of them went off first, we was about to make our way out, i thought tht th gate was still open, so we can go down by th stairs we first went up. suddenly, what i rmbred i did say, "th gate is closed". and yeah, eventually we went off by th other way. so now, when i was chatting with zen, i then rmbred, who went to close th gate. sounds mysterious & creepy isnt it? cos zen said, there was no one at th guard hse in th first place. futhermore, th entire thing there was abandoned. whats more, th gate was FULLY LOCKED when we was about to go off. and tht time, when we're about to leave, th time was around almost close to maghrib.
i think i left out smtg, this part. when we walking at th corridor. 3rd/4th storey, passing by th wards. i did looked back and saw smtg. tht part i was alone, at th back, with syira. now i just rmbred, zen & my mom did told me, if u feel smtg like anything sense of presence behind u, dont ever look/turn back. and eventually, i did it ystrday. i did turned & looked back. cos i felt smtg was behind me, even though i can sense its far. and yes, i did saw black figure and white light, figure. behind th doors, pillar & in th ward rooms when i was walking along side th corridor..
to believe it or not, its up to individual perception. cos this is what i saw, i experienced. and i just wish to share it with whoeva who loves reading my blog (:
enlarge th picture fr larger view.
seems like my blog its like gonna be haunted or to be exact, like a documentary blog. hahaha. cos these days ive been sharing about och and those haunted places. haha. thts what ive been doing during holidays. exploring some of th top 10 haunted places in spore.
enjoy reading. and stay up fr nxt update about this och. still not complete yet. hee. cos i'll be exploring more places like this with bf, fahmi, my bro.. nazli and maybe, syira (:
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