
Lifestyle Without Limits

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today school's fun+boring. idk howta describe. cos i think, im having lil mood swing. came to school and didnt talk that much. break, went off with classmates. accompany them to smoke. but i dont smoke, therefore, took some pictures of them. and ezum didnt attend morning class. overslept. Zz___zZ haha. guess my disease has passed onto her. hahas.

nxt class at 2pm. slacked in th canteen. and off to class at 2pm. i think, around going 330pm, my bro called ezum's hp bcos i didnt notice he was calling me like hell on my hp but i didnt answer th call. smtg very urgent. so i had to rush home. and went off. sorry guys.

school supposed to be till 6pm, but sadly, i went off earlier. hmms. & didnt getta meet zen. =( *sob-sob*

both shaun plus rizal in th middle.

chicken plus biggy.


this is me. (:

rizal, shaun & michael.


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